Privacy policy - Arkitech Systems SAS

Arkitech Systems S.A.S., responsible for the processing of Personal Data, (hereinafter, “THE COMPANY”), in compliance with the provisions of the Law 1581 of 2012, its regulatory decrees and other corresponding norms, informs that the personal data that you provide under the activities or operations carried out with THE COMPANY, will be treated as according to its Personal Data Protection policy and through the use and maintenance of technical, physical and security measures administrative measures in order to prevent unauthorized third parties from accessing the themselves.

  1. Responsible for Treatment

Arkitech Systems S.A.S. entity domiciled in the city of Bogotá D.C., Colombia.

For more information you can contact us at Email [email protected].

  1. Treatment and Purpose

The Personal Data provided will be collected, used, transmitted, transferred, stored and processed for the following purposes:

  • To fulfill the obligations contracted by THE COMPANY with its customers when purchasing our products;
  • Send information about changes in product conditions offered by THE COMPANY;
  • Send information about offers related to the products you offers THE COMPANY and its related companies;
  • To strengthen relationships with its consumers and customers, by sending relevant information, taking orders and evaluation of service quality;
  • Allow the participation of holders in marketing activities and promotional activities (including participation in contests, raffles and draws) carried out by THE COMPANY;
  • Conduct market research on purchasing habits and analysis statistics for internal uses;
  • To determine pending obligations, the consultation of financial information and credit history and reporting to credit centers information on unfulfilled obligations, regarding their debtors;
  • To improve, promote and develop your products and those of your companies linked worldwide;
  • Control access to THE COMPANY offices and establish measures security, including the establishment of video surveillance areas;
  • Respond to queries, requests, complaints and claims that are made by the owners and transmit the Personal Data to control agencies and other authorities that by virtue of the law applicable must receive the Personal Data;
  • To eventually contact, via email, or by any other means, to natural persons with whom you have or have had a relationship, such as, without the enumeration meaning limitation, workers and relatives of these, shareholders, consumers, clients, distributors, suppliers, creditors and debtors, for the purposes mentioned before.
  • Register your personal data in LA information systems COMPANY and in its commercial and operational databases.
  • Manage and operate, directly or through third parties, the personnel selection and hiring processes, including the evaluation and qualification of participants and verification of work and personal references, and carrying out studies of security;
  • Develop the activities of human resources management within THE COMPANY, such as payroll, affiliations to entities of the general social security system, welfare and health activities occupational, exercise of the employer's sanctioning power, among others;
  • Make the necessary payments derived from the execution of the contract job and/or its termination, and the other social benefits to which place in accordance with applicable law;
  • Contract labor benefits with third parties, such as life insurance, medical expenses, among others;
  • Notify authorized contacts in case of emergencies during the work schedule or on the occasion of its development;
  • Coordinate the professional development of employees, access to employees to the IT resources of the Empleator and assist in his utilization;
  • To consolidate a timely and quality supply with its Suppliers, through the invitation to participate in selection processes, the evaluation of compliance with their obligations and the invitation to events organized or sponsored by THE COMPANY, among others;
  • Transfer the information collected to different areas of THE COMPANY and to its related companies in Colombia and abroad when this is necessary for the development of your operations and payroll management (portfolio collection and administrative collections, treasury, accounting, among others);
  • Register contractors and suppliers in LA systems COMPANY and process your payments;
  • For the attention of judicial or administrative requirements and the compliance with judicial or legal orders;
  • For payment processing and balance verification;
  • Train sellers and agents in basic aspects of commercial management of the products offered by THE COMPANY;
  • Any other activity of a similar nature to those above described that are necessary to develop the corporate purpose of LA COMPANY.
  1. Rights of the owner of Personal Data

Natural persons whose Personal Data is subject to Processing on the part of the Company, have the rights provided for in the Constitution Politics of Colombia, Law 1581 of 2012 and its regulatory decrees, and in particular:

  • Know the Personal Data on which THE COMPANY is performing the Treatment. Likewise, the owner can request at any time, that your data be updated or rectified, For example, if he finds that your data is partial, inaccurate, incomplete, fragmented, misleading, or those whose Treatment is expressly prohibited or has not been authorized.
  • Request proof of the authorization granted to THE COMPANY for the Processing of your Personal Data.
  • Be informed by THE COMPANY, upon request, regarding the use that This has given you your Personal Data.
  • Submit complaints to the Superintendency of Industry and Commerce for violations of the provisions of the Personal Data Protection Law.
  • Request THE COMPANY to delete your Personal Data and/or revoke the authorization granted for the Treatment of the same, through the submission of a claim, in accordance with the procedures established in section 11 of the Data Protection Policy COMPANY personnel. However, the request to delete the information and the revocation of the authorization will not proceed when the Owner of the information has a legal or contractual duty to remain in the Database and/or files, nor while it is the relationship between the owner and THE COMPANY is in force, by virtue of which their data were collected.
  • Free access to your Personal Data subject to Processing.
  • Refrain from answering questions about sensitive data. They will have optional nature the answers that deal with boys, girls and adolescents and those related to health data.
  1. Mechanisms to know the Personal Data Protection Policy

We invite you to learn about the Personal Data Protection Policy of THE COMPANY, which includes the procedures so that the holders of Personal Data can exercise their rights to know, update, rectify and delete the information and revoke the authorization, and It is available for consultation on the website

For doubts and concerns related to these topics, you can write to us at email [email protected].

Bogotá D.C., September 22, 2020.